28 days Extended Confinement Meal

In medicine, it is said that women need about 6 weeks to recover better after giving birth. The extension from 28 days to 42 days is mainly for the recovery of postpartum organs. Discharge of lochia: takes 3-4 weeks Contraction and recovery of the uterus: takes about 6 weeks Regeneration and repair of the endometrium at the placental attachment site: takes about 6 weeks Recovery of the tension of the abdominal wall after childbirth: takes about 6 weeks Therefore, sitting for 42 days is beneficial for the recovery of the uterus. If the recovery is good, there will be no irreversible changes such as postpartum disease in the future

Lunch Menu

Delivery time: between 11:00 am to 1:00 noon

  • 1 serving of nourishing soup
  • 1 main meal (fish, chicken or pork)
  • 1 serving of vegetables/side dishes
  • 1 serving of whole grain/white rice

Dinner Menu

Delivery time: between 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm

  • 1 serving of nourishing soup
  • 1 main meal (fish, chicken or pork)
  • 1 serving of vegetables/side dishes
  • 1 serving of whole grain/white rice


Evidence-based nutrition rooted in time-honored traditions of fertility care

By combining the concept of traditional Chinese medicine with the modern health concepts to guide you through each stage. Our curation is designed for optimal reproductive health.

Less Oil
Kampung Chicken
Natural Herbs
Less Sodium

We Prioritise Our Customer

We deliver high quality Confinement Meal to your doorstep

Frequently Asked Questions

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How does the confinement meal packaging looks like?

Meals are packaged in single-use aluminum foil boxes to ensure absolute hygiene and quality, making heating easy without the need for cleaning.

What if I don't like the confinement meal plan?

Offers a full refund or package exchange option to ensure mothers’ rights in any reluctant, natural, or accidental situations.

Why Choose SWS Confinement Meal?

Choose SWS Eternal Wellness Confinement Meals for the highest quality of service, ingredients, chefs, customer service, packaging, nutritionists, and medical team. We commit to professional medical support and five-star chefs to ensure a comfortable and healthy confinement period for mothers.

What's your confinement meal ordering process?

SWS offers a detailed ordering process that includes understanding packages, confirming orders, customer service communication about dietary habits and delivery arrangements, notifying the delivery date, following up on recovery progress and adjusting meals, handling complaints, collecting thermal bags and boxes, and customer feedback. Aimed at providing a simple, personalized service experience for mothers.

What kinds of ingredients you use?

Selects hormone-free and antibiotic-free quality chicken and pork, providing a healthy and safe confinement meal diet plan.

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28 days Extended Confinement Meal

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